Thursday, May 10, 2012

Today in Smiths Class: Agenda
  • scribe
  • review script with Smith
  • Final project cut lines
  • Stage scenes
Hw: Promptbook
Paraphrased scene
Prompt page
costumes design
company report
sharacter reports

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Scribe May 8th 2012

Today in Smiths class we spent most of class working on our final acting project. Remember that the end of the six weeks is at the end of this week and all redos need to be done by the end of the week. Also be sure to study for the final which is all about Romeo and Juliet so know your quotes. LETS GET TROPICAL.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Scribe 5/7/12 Will B

Scribe 5/7/12, Monday

Today, we set up our scripts for the Romeo and Juliet final project. This project is worth a large amount of points so it is very important to do good on it because there is NO REDOS. We also tried to practice our lines and add in the actions of our character into the script. The promptbook requires a lot of work so try to space it out over the week. Also try to finish your paraphrase (paraphrase is a restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words) on the script turn in as soon as possible. This week is entirely focused on the project so use your TIME WISELY.

  • Promptbook finalized over the week
  • Memorize lines!!!
  • Bring script or online version (very helpful to practice in class)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Scribe 5-4-12 Montgomery Fraser

Today in Smith’s English class we watched the last scene in the old and new Romeo and Juliet movies. After we did that we worked on our final performances in our groups. Our homework is to work on a script that’s due on monday.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Scribe 5/3/12 Jonathan Kadarisman

In the beginning of smith's class as always we start of with our wonderful greeting to Mrs. Smith. Then, she told showed us a  our agenda for today. These are the things on our agenda.
  • Scribe
  • Wrirting Lab Day
  • read act 5
  • watch final scenes
  • quiz
  • work on schedules 
Next we took out our planners and wrote down the homework. Right after that, we read "Romeo and Juliet". We discussed about the two families in the book coming together because the love Romeo and Juliet shares. Finally after a long month we finished the book.  We took a test for act 5.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Scribe 5-2-12 Montgomery Fraser

Today in Smith’s English class we finished watching Act 4 on the modern movie of Romeo and Juliet. We then started reading act 5 in the book. Remember to review act 5 Because we have the quiz on it tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Scribe 4-18-12 Scott Ayers

Today in Smith’s wonderful class we worked on our Act 2 Prologue performance. Remember, for your performance memorize it and make it interesting. We worked in all of our groups today and had a good time. Our homework is to work on our act 2 prologue and memorize anything from Act 2.

Monday, April 9, 2012

scribe 4-9-12 Scott Ayers

Today in Smith’s class tensions started to rise as we were ready to present our mixed tapes. The class received a new seating chart which everyone was disappointed about. For your mixed tape you could either play music on your ipod or burn the music on a CD. Everyone showed their true creativity with the CD and album covers. Tyler was the brave soul who had to present first in class. He showed confidence and was ready to go. Today all the students were able to listen to solid and very powerful music while they connected to issues. At the beginning the songs for Tyler felt like they were never going to end... Luckily they did. The first five people to go or already went were Tyler, Lou, Austin, Jimmy, and Dan M.
The rest of the order is
6. Chase C
7. Will B
8. Scott A
9. Jake W
10. Alec T
11. Caleb
12. Alex M
13. Will M
14. Monty
15. Jon
16. Isaiah
18. Adam
19. Joey
20. Alex B

Friday, April 6, 2012


Hello :) one last time for the freshman year :(
Today in Smiths amazing class of all boys we worked on our "Lord of The Flies" soundtrack. We also Turned in redo work because it was the end of the six weeks and yeah it was an all work day.
Presentations on Monday/Tuesday and maybe Wednesday.
 Here is the presentation order
1.Tyler R    
2.Lou S
3.Austin B
4.Jimmy H
5.Dan M
6.Chase C
7.Will B
8.Scott A
9.Jake W
10.Alec T
11.Caleb B
12.Alex M
13.Will M
14.Monty F
15.Johnathan D K
16.Isaiah R
17.Jack M
18.Adam B
19.Joey S
20.Alex B
"Lord of The Flies" soundtrack atleast 6 songs with lyrics. For tape assignment info go to Smiths page and go down to where it says "lord of the flies" and also print out and bring rubric.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


Hello Again :)

Today in the best class ever ( Smiths class ) we took chapters 10,11, and 12 quiz of " lord of the flies".
we also talked about the end of the novel and relationships of the characters.
For more tape assignment info go to Smiths page and go down to where it says "lord of the flies" and also print out and bring rubric.
Presentations on Monday/Tuesday maybe Wednesday. Here is the presentation order
1.Tyler R    
2.Lou S
3.Austin B
4.Jimmy H
5.Dan M
6.Chase C
7.Will B
8.Scott A
9.Jake W
10.Alec T
11.Caleb B
12.Alex M
13.Will M
14.Monty F
15.Johnathan D K
16.Isaiah R
17.Jack M
18.Adam B
19.Joey S
20.Alex B
COMPLETE TAPE ASSIGNMENT FOR MONDAY ! MONDAY ! at least 6 song with lyrics.  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Today in Smiths awesome all boys class we listened to "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel . We made connections from the song to Books, problems in world and other opinions. We also asked questions about "lord of the flies" in chapter 11 , we talked about what problems happened like Piggy dying . During class we also worked on mixed tape assignment, for presentation friday we need to play 2 songs , can be on CD, Ipod , etc. DO NOT FORGET !

Homework :
Read chapter 12 of  "lord of the flies" , make annotations . Tomorrow quiz on chapters 10,11 and 12.
Mixed tape assignment due friday, at least 6 songs with lyrics. for more info on mix tape look for green worksheet that says "Lord of the Flies soundtrack" .
Goodbye :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Scribe 4-2-12 Scott Ayers

Today on this snowy day in Smith’s class, our homework was to read chapter 11 in Lord of the Flies, and the mixed tape assignment. Remember, the end of the six week period is this Friday. Louis screwed up today when Smith asked him a surprising question about tomorrow. On Friday we are going to start presentations about our mixed tapes. For the presentation you need to have two songs on a CD and play them to the class. Also, we went over the remaining symbols for our Lord of the Flies book. Lou Sugo believes that something is only murder if it’s in a civilized society. The class had an intellectual discussion about what the true definition of murder is. The class agreed that Jack is running a totalitarian tribe. The class together read and annotated “To an Athlete Dying Young”. Finally, our class could either work on his mixed tape assignment or read chapter 11. Side note, Lou screwed up the “We Didn’t Start the Fire” again.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Scribe March 22

Today we took our quiz over chapters 5 and 6. The extra credit question is what is Peyton Mannings nickname: the answer was the professor. We then turned in our tear art project, and looked over William Butler Yeats poem “The Second Coming”. A very critical and clear poem. We finished our last grammar for the year and were told to study for the final test tomorrow.
  • Read Chapter 7 and annotate
  • Action plan due tomorrow
  • Mixed tape assignment
  • Grammar quiz
  • Grammar Worksheet
Fun day tomorrow classes are shorter because of assemble schedule, the Arapaho indians are coming to our school.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Today in Smith's second hour class we were working hard. We started on our grammar sentences for Tuesday. We then had a quiz over the reading on chapters three and four. After that we went over the reading on chapter four and if we had questions we would discus and answer them. We then started reading chapter and what we didn't finish is homework. We also have our action plan due Friday which is worth 50 points. The six weeks is almost done so make sure that your essay is redone. Today is a Tuesday which means today was a writing lab day to get help. Have a good rest of Warrior Week and have a nice spring break!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Scribe 3-19-12

Smith’s class was very eventful and busy as it usually is. First we went over the homework that we were given. Tonight we have to finish our action plan, redo our position paper and read and annotate chapter 4 in The Lord of The Flies. After we went over these expectations we did the Monday section of our grammar packet. This week the two sentences were, if we finish our homework we will be able to go to the movie, and the girl who ran with susan and me won her race yesterday. These two sentences are tough but all the answers are in the packet. Next we read and annotated the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, while reading this poem we looked for literary devices, looked for relationships and connections to Lord of The Flies and Band of Brothers.  After we took our annotated books out we talked about our questions we have about the book and interesting points we saw in the book. This was helpful in clarifying our questions from our reading. Today was very helpful and another great day of learning.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Scribe Isaiahr 2/29/12

Today Wednesday 29, 2012 We had visitors come check how are class went. We did are daily grammer. Listened to Forever Young from our song packet and discussed how Rob Stewart meant by this song. Also we discussed 199-223 and checked annotate. Then we worked in class on are relationship trace chart. Tips on your presintation is minimal info with good discusstion or Good detail with a good simple walk thourgh.

Your homework is:
    • Relationship chart.
    • Read 229 to the end of the book and annotate.
    • Redo position paper.
    • Action plan project completion.
    • Grammer Quiz and grammer pap

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

SCRIBE 3-6-12

Today in Smith's class we started with getting our homework: Action Plan Completion due on March 23rd, Redo Position Paper due at the end of the six weeks, Set Up Conference so you can redo your position paper or go into writing lab. We then started on our relationship chart presentations. We talked about how relationships changed over the course of the book. The most abundant relationship mentioned was the relation between Chris and his father over the course of the book.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Scribe 3/1/2012

Today in Smiths class we turned in our homework which is the grammar sentences. Homework for the weekend is: Redo position paper due at end of six weeks you must see Smith or go into writing lab, action plan due March 23, finally relationship chart for book is due Monday, Print off rubric here, also share with Smith. Then in class we took our weekly grammar quiz and signed up for speeches next week. We also talked about the ending of the book, and checked out new books. We talked about how relationships change and grow, just like how with Chris and his mom there relationship grew but with his dad it shrunk and grew.Relationships change and grow all throughout the story, like Chris and Mr. Shears there relationship changed. A great question we talked about is: Is trust in a family, love, or friend relationship different kinds of trust’s or is trust just one thing? In the last 15 minutes of class we had work time to work on relationship chart.
The order of presentations are:
  1. Chase C.
  2. Dan M.
  3. Lou S.
  4. Scott A.
  5. Jimmy H.
  6. Will B.
  7. Alex B.
  8. Alec T.
  9. Jake W.
  10. Austin B.
  11. Alex M.
  12. Adam B.
  13. Jack M.
  14. Jonathan K.
  15. Caleb B.
  16. Isaiah R.
  17. Joey S.
  18. Monty F.
  19. Will M.
  20. Tyler R.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Scribe 2-27-12

     Today in Smith’s English 9 class, we started off with grammar, during that we learn about infinitives, (to eat, to leave, to jump) and correlative conjunctions with always have two in one sentence (this week is; both/and) After grammar was over we moved on to the song/poem packet and read the poem, To a Daughter Leaving Home, with had main points of the child leaving and the parent not wanting it to happen. This connected very well with our current reading in CIDNT, when Chris left home to live with his mom. After the poem, we talked about the weekend’s reading, ch. 167-181 and the conflicts that arose during it. Later we split up into groups of relationship trace and reading Our homework is finish reading chapters, 191-197, work on relationship trace, action plan completion and redo paper, (you need a conference first)!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Scribe 2/24/12

Today in smiths all boys class we turned in our homework and then took our weekly grammar quiz. Also remember tonight's homework is to read chapters 167-181 and annotate, and work on relationship chart. Also if you are going to redo your change the world essay you must see Smith or go into writing lab before turning it in. Also action plan is due the Friday before spring break. Finally at the end of class Smith gave us some time to either work on relationship chart or read. If you forgot the relationship chart website is here. If you forgot the character list look through Smiths slides here.    

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

scribe Wed 22, 2012

Today in Smith all boys class we started off the day with some grammar. The homework for today is your action plan, read in your book pages 151-163 and to sign up for a meeting with smith if you are going to re-do your change the world easy. Also do not forget to annotate in the book and work on the relation ship traits in the book the csap packet is due Friday. For the last half of the class we read in are book as a class.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Scribe 2-21-12

In todays Smith’s all boys class, Smith was not here because she was visiting her Grandma in Arizona. As a class we started off with doing our grammar for Monday. We went over the parts of speech. We then got our CSAP packet for this week. We then went over the reading for our homework on chapters 61 through 83. We asked questions from our annotations on last nights reading to each other. Then as a group we answered the questions. 

Our homework for tonight is to: 

  • Read chapters 89-107
  • Do our CSAP packet. 
  • Redo your "Change the World" essay (you have to meet with Smith before redoing).
  • Action plan completed by spring break.
Have a great rest of the week and get all of your homework done.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Scribe 2-15-2012 Isaiah R

Today Wednesday 15, 2012 We have a grammer quiz. We finished are Daily sentence. Then we read a poem from the song packet (The Lanyard by Billy Collins). We discused about the poem and what the meaning of this poem that he wrote is about. The class read the book starting on page 13 to 15. We have a grammer quiz tomorrow.

Your homework is:
  • Study for the Grammar Quiz.
  • CSAP Packet.
  • Then read the book pages from 23-29.
  • Annotate and ask questions, make connections, and the character change.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Scribe 02-13-12

Today in Smith’s English 9 class, we got a new seating chart and then finished up Jack, Isaiah, Caleb and Joey’s presentations. All of them did a nice job by the way. After that we got our grammar faces on and showed how grammar is really done. After that, for those in need, Smith passed out our new books, “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time” and time still isn’t up to pick up your own copy! Once those were passed out we discussed the syndrome background articles that should have been completed already. Once the heated discussion came to a halt we were given work time to do our homework. (What’s the homework Dan?) Our homework is to write a one paragraph essay on a relationship in your family that is difficult. Write about your side and the opposing side. Why is that relationship so difficult? What steps can you take to make it better? This will later intervene with our new readings. Our other homework is to get that action plan done and to complete the CSAP packet (handed out today) about America the Beautiful.

Friday, February 10, 2012

scribe 2-10-12

Today in Smith's all dudes class we took the weekly purple test and turned in the weekly packet.
After that us guys got more of the presentations on what we will do to Change The World done. They are not completely finished so the class will have to finish them up on monday.
Remember to get the book that we will be reading if you want to take notes in it and not use stickies.
Have a Great Weekend!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Scribe 2-10-12

In Smiths class on this winter wonderland of a February 10th we watched the classes action plan presentations. They were Oscar worthy performances. Our homework was to get any redos done by Friday because it is the end of the six weeks. Make sure to get your 1-1 confrences if you don’t have them already. Finish your CSAP packet. MOST IMPORTANTLY GET YOUR PAPER IN ON FRIDAY!!!!!!! You have to print off your rubric for your paper, your actual paper (DOUBLE SPACED) and attach your work cited to the back of your paper.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Scribe 02-08-12

The Second Diagram Wouldn't Insert so Here's the Second Diagram

Scribe 02-08-12

Today in Smith’s English 9 we started off with grammar and in order to have maximum time to present our action plans tomorrow we did Wednesday, Thursday and Friday's grammar. (The diagram is below). Both sentences have one independent clause, making them simple sentences. Remember action plan presentations are due tomorrow. Also, because of over achievement, Tyler presented his action plan today. Smith said he did a good job because he had little to no text, he had pictures that corresponds to the presentation and he use pictures and video to help. So now the whole presentation order will jump one spot.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Scribe 2/7/12

After a wonderful greeting, “Hello Smith!” we were off to the races with working on GRAMMAR! We looked at sentence parts and phrases. After, we worked on our Change the World projects whether if it was are essays or our action plans. Smith gave us the opportunity to take initiative and work or slack off... (do not slack off) You all remember what happened to the last kid to slack off, because I do not know (inside joke). Here is the order of our action plan presentations:
  1. Tyler
  2. Lou
  3. Jimmy
  4. Scotty
  5. Dan
  6. Chase
  7. Alex B
  8. Will B
  9. Jake
  10. Will M
  11. Austin
  12. Monty
  13. Alec
  14. Adam
  15. Johnathan
  16. Alex M
  17. Jack
  18. Isaiah
  19. Caleb
  20. Joey

  • Essay
  • Action Plan
  • CSAP Packet
  • Revise Essay
  • 1-1 Conferences

Warning: DO NOT DITCH CLASS (Smith will find you)

Scribe 2-6-12

Hello to all of Smiths class. Since the humongous blizzard today was just a jam packed day of learning and excitement. We started by going over our homework. Our awesome teacher moved the due date for our action plan presentation back to Thursday due to confusion and misunderstanding. Our next endeavour was our week five grammar test, don’t worry we asked for a extra credit so please don’t ask again. Next the all boy class we learned our new sentences for grammar week six. We finished the Monday portion of this activity. Lastly we did some last peer editing on the citations of our paper.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Scribe 2-2-12

In Smith’s 2nd hour all boys class on this wonderful February 2nd we worked on peer editing each others 3rd body paragraph and our DOL (Daily Oral Language). We did some mad diagramming and punctuation. We also have to work on our conclusion. We learned about how to do our action plan (what are we going to do about our topic). Our homework is revise all body paragraphs, type your conclusion, print our work cited and CSAP packet.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Scribe for January 30

We worked on the parts of speech on the sentence. We also worked in class.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Scribe 1-27-12

In Smith’s all dudes class we had an awesome sub names Mr. Rosenberg. Today we collected DOL 7. At the same time we turned in CSAP W.S. Words to Live By. After that the class did the grammar test because it is Friday.
HW: Work on outline to 3rd body paragraph. Revise Intro, 1st ,and second body paragraphs. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Today in Smith’s Fantastic All Boys Class (except for Smith of course), the homework is to work on the body of paragraph 3, revise the body of paragraph 2, and 1, and the intro. We worked on the Thursday and Friday part of our grammar packet.  The grammar test is tomorrow. Reminder: we have a sub tomorrow,  Also, if you have scheduled meetings with Smith for tomorrow, you need to reschedule.  You need to have at least three meetings with Smith before the essay is due.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Scribe January 25, 2012

Today for the most most part we just worked on our position paper but we did do the routine grammar sentence work with determining sentence type and clauses. We also went over the Csap packet (remember to read the questions before reading the piece and on questions 30 and 32 restate the question).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scribe 1/24/12

Today in our wonderful all-bros English class the amazing Smith taught us all the wonders of GRAMMAR! for our Tuesday section of the packet we analyzed the sentences, “can you come over and watch the movie casablanca after school” and “the chemistry club visited boulder university colorado for an experiment” and sought out the sentence parts and phrases. Smith says, “you can always rephrase a sentence into a question to find the verb.” can you come over? “who comes over?” (YOU)  To find the direct object or the predicate nominative, in this case we are looking for the DO. (remember,”subject, verb what?”) Then Smith gave us the rest of class to work on our papers and CSAP packet.
What we worked on in class:
  1. copy out-line into new doc
  2. sign up for 1-1 conference
  3. revise intro
  4. write second body
  5. work on CSAP
  6. review grammar

HW: revisions, CSAP packet, second body paragraph, 1-1 conference

Monday, January 23, 2012

Scribe 1/23/12

Smiths fantastic English class was jam packed with activities and learning opportunities. The first fun and exciting learning we did was our grammar. We received two new sentences and started editing them by finding each and every words part of speech. This information is found in your Monday section of the grammar packet that we were given. Next we took place in a fun game of musical chairs editing. We edited out peers intro paragraph and their first body paragraph. You can find exactly what we edited on our class calender. Finally our class outlined our second body paragraph. This body paragraph is the same outline as our first body paragraph but the main point is about the belief you have. This Monday was jammed packed with learning so make sure that you make it up quickly if you missed.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jan 19, 20012

Today in Smith’s wonderfull class the homework is the csap packet, grammar
worksheet, first body paragraph and intro paragraph. The csap packet is due tomorrow and
grammar worksheet. And make sure to get three conferences in for your paragraph each
conference is worth 10 points. We also worked on are grammar work sheet in class. Today we
did the Thursday and Friday part of the packet. Tomorrow we have a grammar test. For the last
half of the class we worked on are csap packet or any other homework you have due. if you
haven't done your work sited page or alphabetised it you need to get that done. In the csap
packet the last question is to right a paragraph. The topic sentence needs to have title, author,
question and, answer why?

scribe 1/19/12

Today in Smith wonder full class the homework is the csap packet, grammar worksheet, first body paragraph and intro paragraph. The csap packet is due tomorrow and grammar worksheet. And make sure to get three conferences in for your paragraph each conference is worth 10 points. We also worked on are grammar work sheet in class. today we did the Thursday part of the packet and Friday. Tomorrow we have a grammar test.For the last half of the class we worked on are csap packet or any other homework you have due. if you haven't done your work sited page or alphabetised it you need to get that done. In the csap packet the last question is to right a paragraph. The topic sentence needs to have title, author, question and, answer why?  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

scribe 1-17-12

Today in Smiths all guy class we did Monday and Tuesday days of grammar because we had Monday off. Mrs. Smith showed us pictures of her kids science fair projects and their pictures of the nuggets game. Mrs. Smith then checked our highlighted Thesis statement and helped with any bugs we had. We then had the rest of the time to work on our Intro paragraph or highlighting articles in the correct color. Our Intros are due tomorrow. Make sure you have a good attention getter then have the citation, an explanation on the attention getter, background information, and then your thesis statement. Also you need to have 3 one one one conferences with either Smith or go to writing lab and get the signature.

Friday, January 13, 2012


SCRIBE 1-13-12

HW: write intro paragraph, practice in text citation, use google docs, color code thesis, color code highlighting of articles, correspond colors to thesis points, three 1-1 conferences on paragraph during unscheduled times.

Our awesome all guys class led by Smith turned in the CSAP packet on Einstein and parts of speech sentences that were on the board.

After turning the 2 things in Smith’s class we did the weekly parts of speech test and worked on our thesis statements(write and color code them). While this was happening, Smith went around and checked the CTW assignments.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today in Smiths class,
we started off the day by getting out the 10 articles we where supposed to already have printed off. Make sure all 10 articles are cited (if not use easy bib).
We then did the Thursday and Friday on the grammar work (refer to packet to know what to do)
Then worked on our thesis statement.
Need a conditional statement
Need to present both sides
Need to answer "why"
Ex: although  

1)conditional statement word
2)present opposing viewpoint
6)reason 1

Ex: Although some people believe professional athletes provide entertainment to society,
            1                                                               2                                                               
professional athletes should not be paid as much because they are not adding anything of value
              3                                       4                             5                                      6
to society and are horrible row models for today's youth.      
   6                                           7

Thesis statement, work cited, 10 articles, web topic, DOL quiz, csap packet