Family matters to me. My mom is great she cooks, cleans and, helps me out when ever I need help. My dad is really cool he is also a good cook and he likes and supports any thing I like and he always sticks up for me. My little brother(Henry) is really funny and hes a good little brother even if he is a pain sometimes. My pets are the best to my dog charlie is the nicest dog ever and my cat is the coolest cat. With out my family I don't know where I would be today. All together they are the best family I could ask for.
Friends matter to me. Friends are the second best thing to me after family. Friends keep me busy and help me live my live. I have so many great friends that I cant name them all and each one has there own great personality and there all fun to hang out with. I know high school will just help out with making new one and being better friends with the one I already have.
Music matters to me. Although I don't play an instrument I love music it is another thing that helps me get threw life. It calms me down and makes me relaxed and happy. There is not much more I can say about it it is just a good thing in life.
Sports matters to me. I love all sports and they are all fun to play. They are another thing that keep me busy and they are all great exercise. I have met so many new people with sports specifically football and there just something to do and they all have great competition.
Cars matter to me. I love cars they are the best things in the world. There are so many different kinds and they are all cool except minivans. They are all unique and interesting. I cant wait to drive and get my own car. I love Muscle cars, Mustangs/Fords, Dodges, Plymouth's, and Pagani’s. The car I hope the most to drive is my dads Ford 1970 Torino. I think it would be cool to be a rally driver. They are truly one of the best things invented.
Monty-you have a lot of great ideas in your post. Make sure to start your post with a topic sentence. Also, you need to proofread as you have some missing punctuation and some run on sentences. Also, expand in your music section. Tell us more. Finally, end with a concluding sentence. I like your collage!
ReplyDeletegood job buddy
ReplyDeleteKeep your feet planted firmly on the ground unless you want to dance :) But good presentation.
ReplyDeletegood presentation, you didnt fidget too much but i would have tried to practice more.
ReplyDeleteyou don't have a topic sentence but besides that you did pretty good.
ReplyDeleteGood opening question! You seemed to know your PLN pretty well. But try and hold your feet still next time.
ReplyDeleteDon't move to much but good job
ReplyDeleteYour legs and feet would not stop moving, overall pretty good job though.
ReplyDeletegood explanation and points. I liked your questions.
ReplyDeletekeep your feet still and don't be afraid to talk and present to the class with confidence.
ReplyDeleteStop tap dancing. Good job not stuttering and saying like and umm.
ReplyDeleteyou are terrible.
ReplyDeletestop switching feet. what matters to you seems very important
ReplyDeleteThere were many good points in your speech but try to cover more of them in your speech with more detail. Also stay away from um,and,then,er, ir any of those mixed like and then i said this and then dont do that
ReplyDeleteGood job describing your family and what you like to do. you have really good ideas on your pln but try to practice it more. !:)
ReplyDeleteMonty your awesome. Good telling us what matters to you and why. Superb word choice, I liked your points. Good ending question!!!
ReplyDeletetry not to have your hands behind your back while you talk and nice job monty. also try not to say stuff. good question at the end.
ReplyDeleteGood beginning question. Nice work on the eye contact. try not to talk so fast because it sounds like your just listing things off. Good job comparing friends and family. Monte you can fix up my car. Good ending question.
ReplyDeleteFirst, keep your feet on the ground. The end was a great question, but try to be more confident.